Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Progress, Not Perfection

Temptations here, temptations there, temptations are around me everywhere!!!! Hey, that rhymes!!! Temptations aren't alone, obstacles seem to be everywhere too. I've decided this is a HARD time of the year to be trying to lose weight. I was really frustrated this afternoon, but after spending some time driving and thinking, I decided I needed to remember what I tell my struggling students: all I ask for is progress, not perfection. If they are trying and improving, I will reward them. I need to remember that for myself.

I was really excited for today. Really excited. I had the day all planned out. I was going to teach from 8:25-9:25, make copies, pump, change, and leave school by 10:15 (didn't have any other finals today). I was going to straight to the gym and try to do 2 miles of intervals on treadmill, then 45 min of cycle with my favorite cycle lady, Suzanne! Then I was going to grab a Subway, pick up gift basket for daycare lady, go shopping at Target, and pick up baby and cuddle with her.

Here's what actually happened: I caught a good kid cheating on his final. It really bummed me out. Disappointed me. Then a teacher friend who I rarely get to visit with stopped by my room. We ended up chatting until 10:45! I completely lost track of time catching up with her, but I enjoyed the chat :). I ran up to do my copies, and of course, the machine was broken. Surprise! So I waited for the guy to fool around with it. It was after 11 by the time I got back to by room. Cycle was at 12; there was no way for me to make it; I still had to pump. So I finally left at 11:45, mad that I wasn't going to make cycle. But I made a new plan: do errands now and then jog with baby. Errands did NOT go as planned. Stores were out of things, stores were crowded, extra stops were made, etc. By the time I picked up Gabriella, it was 4:15; it was dark when I pulled in the driveway. So much for my plans.

Now for the temptations: gingerbread at department meeting, homemade peppermint bark from a student, going away treats at staff meeting, cookies in Panera Bread box for my students. Literally, everywhere you look this time of the year, there is food. And tonight and tomorrow I am baking cookies. I wondered how I was going to get through 3 batches of cookies without eating any, then I remembered what I tell my students: progress, not perfection. Will I fail if I eat one cookie? No. Will I gain 5 pounds if I eat one cookie? No. Will I regret not eating my favorite cookie? Probably. Will one cookie satisfy me? Probably. Why not just eat one and be happy? Perfection would be resisting temptation and not eating any. Progress would be eating one being satisfied, and stopping (instead of eating 3 or 4 tonight, 3 or 4 tomorrow, feeling horrible for going off track, and saying what the hell, I blew it, I'll start again on Monday). Like I said, progress, not perfection, is what I need to focus on.

Ann and I have a run scheduled for tomorrow after school. I'm looking forward to it :) I told Kevin today that in a year from now I want to have done a half marathon. He said, "Wow! You're really into this running thing now, huh?". Yeah, I guess I'm getting into it :)


  1. I think keeping life in perspective is definitely an important key to success in anything you are trying to do. This time of year is super hard to keep on a strict eating plan, all those yummy treats every second of the time it seems like!! I can't wait to see you run that 1/2 marathon next year!!

  2. Sorry you had to listen to my frustrating situation yesterday. Thanks for running with me, supporting me and being a good friend! I'm looking forward to our run on Sunday. Hopefully you're feeling better! ��
