Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Whole Mile . . .

Ann sent me an inspirational video on YouTube about a guy who has lost 120 pounds. It's really cool!  I want to follow in his footsteps.  Gosh, if I lost 120 pounds, I'd be in the 160's.  That's just unimaginable to me at this point.  We decided to do a mile today and time me.  When we set out, I said I wanted to jog the whole thing without stopping.  I could tell Ann thought I wouldn't make it without walking; she gave me several helpful strategies for getting through it, but also gave me permission to take a walk break.  Honestly, in my head, I thought I'd need a walk break too, but I was trying to drown that negative voice out.  We kept a pretty steady pace the whole time, and I really tried to focus on my breathing.  My heart rate hovered right around 172 the whole time, and I was definitely pushing myself.  Part way through lap 2 I really wanted to stop and walk. I told myself to finish the rest of the lap, then I could walk.  Miraculously, by the time I got to the third lap, I felt fine again.  That lap was pretty easy, and Ann humored me with some really funny stories that I cannot share :)   About a quarter of the way through the last lap I really, really wanted a walk break.  But how lame would that be to walk when I was almost finished???  We kept jogging and finished in 13:08.  It can only go down from here!


  1. Awesome job!!! Look how far you have come already, you will be back to where you were in no time.

  2. It was so fun to read about our run from your perspective! I am so impressed by you pretty much on a daily basis. Great job on your mile accomplishment, not only was your time good, but running the entire thing was awesome! BTW, thank you for not sharing my humorous story...remember, "what happens on a run, stays on the run!". Can't wait for this weekend's race...it's going to be GREAT!
